Version 1.36 – 18 January 2019

– Fix Opening/Closing sliding sidebar action.
– Add option to show different images sizes for different devices (Recommended for performance).
– Add option to improve featured image quality to 100% (instead of WordPress original compressing 80%).
– Add option to set categories for blog pages.
– Minor fixes.

Version 1.35 – 30 December 2018

– Compatibility with WP 5.x.
– add support for embed Flickr and gettyimages.
– improve show full content at homepage feature.
– improve widgets load at customizer.
– Fix uncrop banner at masonry layout.

Version 1.34 – 18 November 2018

– Fix excerpt issue for Chinese characters.
– Add single stories pages.
– Add option to change slug for stories.
– Add Whatsapp to share networks.
– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 1.33 – 14 September 2018

– Fix: iFrame scale size issue.

Version 1.32 – 14 September 2018

– New: Option to disable masonry effect in grid layouts.
– New: Option to hide current menu circle indicator.
– Fix: Full size images not responsive in small screens.
– Fix: iFrames scale issue for some media embeds.
– Fix: WordPress video player overlap the sidebar in layouts with sidebar.
– Fix: Low image quality issue if crop disabled.
– Fix: Duplicated hentry in single post.
– Fix: Missing fn error appears in Google Search Console.
– Improvement: SEO optimization.
– Improvement: Remove hentry from pages and apply it in posts only.
– Improvements: Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 1.31 – 08 September 2018

– New: AMP Support.

Version 1.30 – 04 September 2018

– New: New blog layouts with sidebar.
– New: Scroll To Top Button.
– Improvement: Limit the number of visible social share icons if blog layout is narrow.
– Fix: Gallery overlapping the sidebar on posts with sidebar.
– Fix: Tweets visible gray background issue on posts with sidebar.
– Fix: Wrong width for posts without featured image in Posts list widget .
– Fix: Conflict with other plugins causing logo float to left.
– Core Plugin updated to version 1.11.

Version 1.24 – 30 August 2018

– New: 3 Footer sidebars.
– New: Options to select info to show in meta area.
– New: Option to show wide text content for pages.
– New: Option to hide or change cookies notice icon.
– New: New Google Font added.
– Fix: Menu indicator dot back enabled in centered menu.

Version 1.23 – 28 August 2018

– New: Cookies notice floating box.
– New: Option to disable featured image cropping.
– Improvement: Post date is linkable to the post.
– Fix: Minor bug fixes and design improvements.

Version 1.22 – 26 August 2018

– Added: Noto Serif font.
– Improvement: Settings better organized in customizer.
– Fix: Logo width & height input overlap in customizer in RTL sites.
– Fix: Minor bug fixes and design improvements.

Version 1.21 – 26 August 2018

– Added: Medium icon added to social profiles.
– Improvement: Hide author avatar area if no avatar found.
– Improvement: Select box appearance in iOS devices.
– Improvement: Calendar Widget design improvements.
– Improvement: Making the theme ready for Gutenberg editor.
– Improvement: Small iFrame resizes to match content width
– Fix: Gutenberg editor gallery and images design issues.
– Fix: Sticky posts icon position issue in text only posts.
– Fix: Sticky post Bookmark icon color doesn’t change with main color
– Fix: Image align issues.
– Fix: Minor bug fixes and design improvements.

Version 1.20 – 25 August 2018

– New: 3 columns grid layout.
– New: Option to show or hide borders around text only posts.
– New: Option to show full content/excerpt in homepage.
– New: Option to hide site title from header.
– Added: Compatibility with Yoast Breadcrumbs.
– Fix: Gallery banner design in list blog layout.
– Fix: Grid layout articles sort on small screens.
– Fix: Compatibility with older WordPress versions.
– Fix: Minor bug fixes and design improvements.

Version 1.15 – 23 August 2018

– Added: Telegram social icon.
– Fixed: Minor bug fix.

Version 1.14 – 22 August 2018

– Added: Option to hide logo only from site header.
– Fixed: Italian translation 2 missing phrases in admin panel.

Version 1.13 – 21 August 2018

– Added: Full Italian language translation – Thanks to Giangiacomo Fanizzi (UomoMacchina).
– Added: Full Arabic language translation.
– Fixed: Few phrases missed in translation file.
– Fixed: Minor bug fixes and design improvements.
– Improvement: Get first image in the post if post format is image and no featured images.
– Alia Core plugin updated.

Version 1.12 – 19 August 2018

– Fix: Alia Core plugin translation issue.
– Fix: Translation issue with few strings.
– Added: Comments cookies checkbox, for GDPR.
– Added: More Google Fonts tested and added to theme fonts.
– Added: System UI Fonts added to font library.
– Alia Core plugin updated.

Version 1.11 – 17 August 2018

– Fix: Youtube height issue in mobile screen.
– New: Option to remove Facebook SDK from header.
– Improvements: Stories performance improvements.
– Improvements: Added animated loader to stories.
– Improvements: Typography and spacing improvements.
– Alia Core plugin updated.

Version 1.10 – 16 August 2018

– Fix: Design spacing issue in lists.
– Fix: Scrollbar jumping issue for windows users.
– Improvements: Design tweaks.

Version 1.09 – 14 August 2018

– New: Navigate stories by keyboard arrows.
– Fix: Remove empty gray box appearing in the footer for some users.
– Minor bug fixes and improvements.
– Alia-Core plugin updated for performance improvement.

Version 1.08 – 14 August 2018

– Fix: Stories hot fix.

Version 1.07 – 14 August 2018

– Improvements: Mobile menu open by touching the link istead of arrow.
– Improvements: Overall typography improvement.
– Improvements: Story performance in Android devices.
– Improvements: Rotate story slide by touch or click.
– Fix: Issue with loading the last story in the slide.

Version 1.06 – 11 August 2018

– New: Option to load story image from CDN URL.
– Improvements: Sticky header flicker issues.
– Fix: Fix sticky header default value.

Version 1.05 – 10 August 2018

– New: Add blur effect to stories when loading.
– Improvements: Design Improvements.
– Updated: Alia-Core plugin updated.

Version 1.04 – 10 August 2018

– New: Featured Image support for pages.
– Fix: Sticky footer disabled by default.
– Fix: Style conflict with Organize Series plugin.

Version 1.03 – 9 August 2018

– New: Option to make header photo rounded.
– Improvements: Make top header enabled by default.

Version 1.02 – 9 August 2018

– Improvements: Story modal close when click on empty area of the page.
– Updated: Alia-Core plugin updated.

Version 1.01 – 9 August 2018

– New: Option to create page with sidebar.
– New: Option to disable rounded borders from images.
– Minor bug fixes and improvements.

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